Japan's porn stars make their way in the real world

Japan's pornographic industry, known locally as AV (adult video), is widely known to be somewhat different to the West, not least due to its mainstream acceptance in daily Japanese culture. AV stars can enjoy a high-level of celebrity not only in Japan, but across Asia, with women like Maria Ozawa, Ai Iijima and Sola Aoi variously promoting games, anime and starring in reputable films, TV dramas and theater. The industry is thought to churn out more than 3,000 features a year -- compared to around 400 regular Japanese films -- and have a value of ¥100 billion ($1.2billion).

via cnngo.com

While Japan in general has what many would consider some odd customs and social norms, this one seems quite enlightened, if you ask me. Porn is just like any other form of entertainment. Granted, it's not one I'd let my kids see, but there's other forms of entertainment that aren't considered porn that I wouldn't let my kids see, either.

Meanwhile, in the US, we've had relatively few successful "crossovers" from the porn industry into the more traditional entertainment industry. In fact, most traditional industries want nothing to do with porn. Proctor and Gamble fired Ivory Soap girl Marilyn Chambers after they found out she had stared in a porn movie. That movie? Behind the Green Door. A movie that, at least according to Wikipedia, "received positive reviews in mainstream media."

@GLMPSit you mean like this?

via Osfoora for iPhone

How I Like To Work

On one of the rare, warm, sunny days in Gig Harbor…

Testing Writing Kit App

Attached: Testing Writing Kit AppSent from Writing Kit

Don't mind me. I am testing how Writing Kit works, which is an iPad app that supports Markdown as well as export to a variety of formats.

Formatting Foo

bold text italics

Inserting a photo:


Quotes. Cool.

Hack the code

Wonder how I'm supposed to use backtick on the iPad keyboard.Ok I figured it out

Remains to be seen if I'll use this tool but can't complain so far…

The Duty Free Shops Don't Like This Rule

via Gravity

Food Pr0n: Lunch at Zepra

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Approaching Check Point

Abandoned Six Flags New Orleans

It's pictorials like this that remind me of just how temporary man's creations are in the grand scheme of things. Over time, nature takes it's course and reclaims the spaces we have carved out. Imagine what this place will look like in 60 or 600 years instead of 6 years…http://www.lovethesepics.com/2011/05/creepy-crusty-crumbling-illegal-tour-of-…

Sunday Evening Skyline in Tel Aviv

via Gravity

Tonight's Food Pr0n: Eggs Benedict with Ham and Bacon

via Gravity