Why Piracy Still Wins

via i.imgur.com

When are the content companies going to figure this out?

Where's Mimi?

Taken with picplz in Gig Harbor Peninsula, WA.

Mimi's Favorite Spot of the Moment

Taken with picplz in Gig Harbor Peninsula, WA.

Leaving Toronto, Soviet Canuckistan for Seattle.

Leaving Toronto, Soviet Canuckistan for Seattle. #fb


Cafe Schwartz

I wad told that Schwartz was absolutely the best place to get a smoked meat sandwich in Montreal. Having now had one, I have to agree.

Sitting Down, Chillin' on an Ice Bench


Taken with picplz at Moxie's Classic Grill.

Another View from the 36th Floor of the Montreal Marriott

From the 36th Floor of the Montreal Marriott

Tonight on Food Pr0n

Went to Reuben's in downtown Montreal. Had a nice steak and some strawberry cheesecake. Good stuff, as you can see!