Does the TV have a control to turn up the intelligence? Clearly, the brightness one isn't working.

What Four More Years means to what's left of our freedoms

AT&T is investing a lot of money in their wireless network. Without having to buy T-Mobile. Hm…

The more I hear about the Red Cross, the more I think "it's a gigantic scam."

Wow I actually came close to maxing out a status update. And didn’t have to shorten it like I do on Twitter. How nice.

I am the 1% of the country that made a truly principled vote by not voting for Obummer or Rmoney.

Using Succynct to post/tweet/whatever to ADN via Google Chrome.

So we'll be able to buy marijuana in Washington State, but not grow it ourselves. What are these people smoking?

Mobile payments big at Starbucks. I use it way more now with Passbook integration on iOS!

The election is just like I predicted except the silly party won.