They Don't Make Places Like This Anymore

So Is He Missouri's version of Mike The Mover?

Maybe Chief Wana Dubie is Missouri's version of Mike The Mover (here's his campaign statement for 2006). Either one of these characters have to be better than any of the current politicians in power.

QotD: OS Preference

Windows, Mac, Linux - What's your preference and why?
Submitted by ramblingsbymark.

My OS of choice is Mac. Why? Because it has almost all the applications I need for my personal computing enjoyment and, for the most part, it just works. I'm tired of fighting with Windows and Linux every time I want to do something simple like watch a movie, browse the web, use Skype, or any number of other things I do on a regular basis.

The reality is, though, I use all of the above. Each OS has their strength and weaknesses. There are a couple of work-related applications I have to run on Windows. There are also occasions where I will use a Linux box to either be a file server or do some other highly specialized task.

Today's Balance

I'm starting to notice my daughter "balancing" things on the faucet of this play sink we have. I find it interesting in a kind of artistic way that I don't entirely understand.

Bright and Early

What better way to get back into the swing of working with a 6:30am meeting? I can think of better ways, but it works for getting moving. At least with going to bed somewhat earlier, it's not too hard to get up that early, but I still don't like it.


Notice where the purple juice cup is balanced. Gracie did that all by herself.


More experimenting with new phones. This comes from a Nokia N73.

It's Not A Phone, Gracie

Not sure this Nokia N93 I took this picture with is a phone either.

Lather, Rinse, Repeat

Gracie is having a repeat of last night. Jaden has also decided to join in with random screams from his bed for no discernable reason. Needless to say, the mommy and daddy aren't liking this at all.

I was in bed when all this happened. Wasn't sleeping soundly before, certainly not now.

QotD: My Vox Name

How did you pick your Vox name? Does it mean something?
Submitted by LeendaDLL.

The name PhoneBoy was given to me by one of the hosts of Radionet Talk Radio, a radio show I used to work on in 1996. I used to screen calls for the show. The host forgot my name one day and called me PhoneBoyjust to call me something. The thought I had at the time was "[Thehost] is never going to let this name go, so I might as well embraceit." And embrace it I have.

As I've evolved my web presence over the years, the name PhoneBoy became very closely tied to FireWall-1. In fact, if you Google for FireWall-1, you'll see that comes up right after Check Point, the company that makes FireWall-1 (now marketed as VPN-1). Considering that I haven't done much with the product in a number of years, that's a fairly strong association! Maybe I should go back to that and make some money. ;)

My day job involves customer support, which means some phone work. These days, I don't talk to nearly as many customers as I used to. Goes with the backline support role, the products I support, and the location of the customers. However, the name "tech support" seems to have a strong linkage to phones.

I also happen to have a collection of Nokia mobile phones, which seems to be shrinking as I give them away to my friends that need them. I believe that trend will reverse itself here very shortly. I've also been working with VoIP over the past three years, not as part of my day job, but as a hobby/side venture.

I guess you could say that I've been adding some emphasis on the "Phone" part of my name as time passes. :)