From PhoneBoy's Security Theater: Securing Data in the Cloud

Nice to know people at work listen to my podcast.

PhoneBoy Speaks Ep 57: Cloudy InfoSec

Tomorrow's PhoneBoy Speaks is nice and cloudy. And InfoSec-y. #tw

Obama will NOT increase the deficit by "a single dime"!! But rather, seven trillion nickels.

Pity I have to wait until Thursday for some real analysis of this SOTU speech. #noagenda

Summary of the State of the Union speech: we're fucked. Give us all your money, slaves. #noagenda

Whoever designed VMware's management products needs to be taken out back and shot.

I bought Ice Cream Castle today. I remember getting a cheap cassette knock-off as a kid at the Flea Market. Still a fun album. Takes me back to when I was a young teen.

I am finally getting to the League of Easily Distracted Gentlemen in my podcast feed. My, y'all ARE easily distracted. :)