I swear, someone needs to take email and blow it the fuck up. Every email experience sucks my will to live.

I love the outlook.com interface, but the interface is so slow sometimes.

Time for another cup! #adncoffeeclub http://d.pr/i/XXKH

The one downside to using Verizon: I can't occasionally use a Symbian device anymore. :(

Nokia actually issued a software update for a Symbian device?

The only real difference between "professional" podcasters and "amateur" podcasters is the size of the audience. And the ads :)

Ah, memories of Sega in my misspent youth. http://www.youtube.com/watch

I have a daily podcast called PhoneBoy Speaks http://phoneboyspeaks.phoneboy.com

Podcast Talk <=> [patter-app.net]

PhoneBoy Speaks Ep 53: Tech News Headlines #1 http://bit.ly/YhErqJ

Hate when I see traffic coming from my machine that I don't understand. Looking up localhost continually via DNS can't be good.