I have officially "cut the cord" from CenturyLink. Hello, Verizon Wireless!

Why is three mobile major operators the Magic number for the US market? Why not four? I like more!

How is it a cell phone can have its number ported in 15 minutes but a landline takes days? #inquiringminds

Against same-sex marriage? Don't have one. Against marijuana? Don't smoke it. Why are these things so difficult?

The secret is to bang the rocks together, guys.

Need to hit myself in the mouth again. http://moby.to/s8lnl8

There's a real benefit to paying for a service like app.net: a lack of auto-generated spam.

Record-tying kickoff return by the Ravens today: http://bit.ly/Trk1sG

I wonder how many potential customers Samsung is alienating with their Samsung Galaxy S III ads mocking Apple fanboys.