The most challenging thing about grilling in the winter: getting the grill started. From there, it's how cold it is outside :)

From SoundCloud: Smart Software That's Really Dumb

Officially done with the Vergecast. They keep talking over each other. Un-fucking-listenable.

PhoneBoy Speaks Ep 22: Smart Software That’s Really Dumb

It's hard to edit a podcast on your mobile phone when people keep mentioning you on social networking sites :)

Podcasting is dipping into my ADN time. #firstworldproblems

My laptop decided it was time for me to stop working. Who am I to argue?

From SoundCloud: The Fall of the Dumbphone?

From SoundCloud: Converse Mobile Predictions for 2013

PhoneBoy Speaks Ep 21: The Fall of the Dumbphone?