There's a device on my internal DHCP I haven't accounted for. Hate that.

Morning ADNers. Slightly more "normal" sleep today. How's everyone?

I started my day around 2am this morning. I shall end my day at 8pm with a customer call involving folks in China. Yes, folks, this is the kind of rockstar life I live. #fml

I edit my podcast in GarageBand on my iPhone. Does that make me clever or stupid?

From SoundCloud: No Kindle for You! (During Takeoff)

Look, ma, I'm on iTunes now! []

PhoneBoy Speaks Ep 20: Converse Mobile Predictions for 2013

There's a rumor going around that I don't sleep. Given my sleep patterns the last several days, that might not be too far from the truth.

I'll go out on a limb and say using Twitter's official clients is like using Netbot on ADN. Works for many people but it's not my cup of tea anymore.