Good afternoon/evening/morning how is everyone today?

You know you're in Israel when your cabbie speaks Russian.

Happy Sunday ADNers. Oh wait, it's still Saturday for a lot of you. How's it going?

Don't normally go to bed at 9pm on a Saturday night but I am a bit jet lagged in Tel Aviv.

On the plus side, my Verizon iPhone 4S works very well in Israel with my Cellcom SIM. Guess the unlock worked :)

I love it when the Cellcom guy says "you realize it's expensive to call the US on your phone, just use Skype." That and their 3G network works well enough to actually allow it.

PhoneBoy Speaks Ep 11: Review of Blu Samba Jr Dual-SIM Phone

Shabbat is nearly over in Tel Aviv

Made it to my hotel in Tel Aviv. It's still Shabbat, though, nothing is open yet.

Going radio silent. See you half way around the world.