How you know you work in a corporate marketing job: you get email that purports to be from you that you most certainly didn't send yourself.

It’s only taken more than three and a half years, but I finally am getting back to Israel in July.

it’s a lyric from the song Packard Goose []. And yes, it’s definitely an insult.

Sit and spin until you rot on the cosmic utensil


Once I was young and so unsure
I'd try any ill to find the cure


no, but butt is how you stream to an Icecast server. 😉

Two butts…not just for streaming anymore.



yeah, and when they talk about how long a divorce takes, they don't mention how long this crap takes. 🙄

In this legal document, the ex receives the contents of my 401k. In the next legal document, she'll get half my retirement account. And then I'll get the final bill from my attorney… 😬

when you’re playing with house money like my ex is, you don’t really know…or care…what it costs.