More than a year after I filed and two and a half months after agreeing to terms in mediation, I was finally presented with the documents necessary to finalize my divorce. It's not over until the judge signs it, but we're definitely in the home stretch now.

It builds endurance while burning fat.

My running lately has been trying to keep my heart rate in Zone 2. That does mean some intermittent walking to go with my running…

The last time this was going on, I weighed a lot more and ate a lot more crap food, and it took weeks of physical therapy before the pain was gone. Two days in to this, it's not quite gone but I can mostly move around without pain again.

I'm still not running anywhere near what I was before I kicked off this divorce. I did, however, over-consume some adult beverages over the weekend. 😬

not really, as I've not been running anywhere near what I used to. Didn't really do a lot yesterday, either.

It's been a hot minute since my lower back has hurt this bad. Not sure what I did to aggravate it, either.

I’m gonna tell the world you’re a dirty little girl. #nowplaying


Take your silver spoon and dig your grave. #nowplaying


Between the various changes in deductions at the start of the year, I was expecting my paycheck to go down somewhat. Instead, it went up a few bucks. 👍🏻