Showing support for my friends and colleagues who have done so much for me…and the world. ❤ 🇮🇱


he was spot on about a lot of things in hindsight.

Found a letter from dad [] in my personal things. Confirmed a few recent thoughts I've had on various fronts..

my mom gave it to me at five or six. I witnessed lines of cocaine done at a similar age. Trust me, I've seen a few things.

The dark times [] in my childhood shaped a lot of decisions in my adult life. Of course, having to confront some adult things well before you’re supposed to will do that to ya.

a difference in opinion about whether I am complying with the terms of the agreement. My position is simple: see you in court.

My ex is starting some new shit and my divorce lawyer has noped out. Somehow, I suspect this will work to my advantage…

that's not working either. More specifically, when I attempt to upload a new image…it does nothing.


What's the current way to update your avatar here ?

The company that is now Comcast started out providing Cable TV services, then became probably the largest ISP in the US. Their customer disservice is…legendary.